Team Member

Lisa Pollard
Digital Strategy Lead & Board Member
Lisa lives in Manchester, with her partner, Ian and their four beautiful, headstrong girls, Morgan, Rose, Daisy and Lacey, she also has two grown up stepchildren Luke and Lucy. Lisa, not too long ago was a barber and owned three of her own barbering establishments. Which she planned on returning to after starting a family. After Daisy’s diagnosis of Myhre Syndrome in January of 2019, Lisa’s circumstances drastically changed and she chose to become, a stay-at-home mum and full-time carer to Daisy. In 2020, Lisa enrolled herself in an online graphic design course, so that she could raise the awareness of Myhre Syndrome, on a more professional level. Since earning her degree in Graphic Design, she has produced two videos, to raise awareness of the facial characteristics of Myhre Syndrome. In July 2019, Lisa published the first of these to Facebook. Since then, the post has received over 9,000 views. Lisa was also asked by Daisy’s geneticist, if she would be interested in presenting the video to paediatricians from Manchester and Liverpool, at the Annual Paediatric Conference. This sadly didn’t happen, due to the Covid19 Lockdown of March 2020. Lisa, just like all the other Myhre Syndrome UK & Europe board members, is extremely passionate about raising awareness of Myhre Syndrome. As she believes, Myhre Syndrome UK & Europe will become a successful charity and that awareness is where it’s all got to start. When Lisa is not running around after her boisterous children, Lisa enjoys getting involved in anything that requires creativity (whether it be, decorating or making something, she’s happy), she also enjoys camping with her family and socialising with friends.

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